Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Can anyone guess..

...where House Man and The boy went?

Setting off:

Upon arrival:

In action:

Looking pleased with himself:

His score? He opened with two spares for a high score of 98.

ETA There's a better video clip, but for some reason House Man turned the camera sideways when filming it. Sadly, Picasa can't rotate video clips, and when I tried to rotate it with our movie making software, the boy got shortened and widened! Anyone know how to rotate a video clip without doing that?


Anonymous said...

Awsome! Has The Boy been bowling before? I took My Girl once, a while ago, she had a blast, so if you ever need another kid for The Boy to bowl with, let me know.


Alison said...

Charlene, no he hasn't been bowling before. But I think he'll certainly be bowling again. Maybe we can get the two of them together for bowling some day. I'd even take a vacation day for that!

Anonymous said...

I love bowling. Its the shoes.

AH! Look at the kid sized velcro bowling shoes! Perfect for little hands! (I think I want a pair)

Miss Me said...

i like that he took his penguin pal with him! younger son is studying penguins at school right now and ALL of his penguin pals have gone for a visit recently. kids LOVE bowling! older son is starting to think that he is "too cool" to bowl, but younger son adores it.

fifisaurus said...

Aw!!!! The little sweetheart :) Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea! We'll have to try that sometime soon.