Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I was wrong...

I got two of my "Things I want for Christmas" from the last meme! Yes, I got one of these:

So far I've spent Boxing Day transferring all those CDs that I don't listen to anymore because Someone (and it's not The Boy, he'll listen to anything!) doesn't necessarily like my taste in music! I'm currently listening to Runrig, whom I haven't heard in ages!

And I even got some of the peace and goodwill I wanted as well! No new pots and pans, but at least someone else washed most of the ones we used yesterday. And only two fights to break up between small children. The Boy always tends to come of worse in these, he just doesn't have any killer instinct, and tries to talk his way out of things!

I also got some Cascade Fixation. The Boy chose it. It's pink. Any tips on exactly how to determine gauge with this stuff?

Happy Ho Ho!


lulubelle said...

Oh good stuff! Phil and I are planning to treat ourselves to ipods once we get a new computer. Our computer will not download music, that act causes the old bat to have a total nervous breakdown.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Good to hear the fighting was minimum and that Christmas was a success...